We enjoyed 4th of July weekend at the Norfolk Zoo. This is the train that almost didn't make it. It stalled (or whatever trains do) at least half a dozen times.
The monkeys are very friendly here and often jump right on your shoulders!
Looks like Vivvy is phoning home. With only glass to separate them from each other...
Checking out the prairie dogs. And Mommy taking a picture.
This goat too seemed to have some sort of connection with Vivian.
Troy and I have been married for six years and just celebrated the 1st birthday of our daughter, Vivian Elise, this past June. We currently are in Virginia. Troy is a Children's Pastor and Sandy is a SAHM. Vivian is a full time baby who just recently learned how to crawl, babble, and get into mischief. We created this blog to help family and friends who live far, far away (I think that includes ALL family) to stay in touch and join in our everyday lives. We hope you enjoy this site. It was made with love!
Songs That Make Us Smile
We are family, and if we were to make a movie, these would be the main characters. Vivian has picked their roles...
A.K.A. The Fun One
The Lady of the House. Best to stay on her good side...
The Fuzzy Sibling. Quick to move out of the way, but also quick to share a toy. Future ally indeed!
Pop Pop
A.K.A. The Wrangler. Some cowboys have a herd of buffalo; this one has a respectable herd of grandkids.
Grumpa and Grandma
When there is a shortage of toys or an unwiped tear, Grumpa and Grandma heed the call.
Mum Mum
The one who started it all. She is credited for the long lineage of silliness that runs in the Short family. We love her! Happy 90th, Mum Mum!
Cousin Tyler
The Sidekick, Partner in Crime, Cronie...you get the picture.
She's not the new girl anymore! There to show Vivvy the ropes and what being a baby is all about.
Uncle Mike and Hailey
Uncle Mike also goes by Mr. Cool. So cool, in fact, that you don't need ice cubes.
Odds N Ends
Many of these are the most popular, cutest, and oddest in our collection.
The Pumpkin Debacle
So much for Anne Geddes...
Save me!
Aside from a wonderful daughter, we also have a ferocious cockapoo, Frodo.
Troy looks a bit bizarre, but isn't that a grown up smile on Vivian!
She must be some sort of animal whisperer. Lol.