Goooood Eeevening, my friends! For an early first birthday gift, Vivian received a child-size chair. She has enjoyed climbing in her infant carseat, and at the nursery she is constantly getting into the rocking chair. So, we decided that she needed something to play with as well as watch TV in. It's a hit!

Vivian is getting better and better at scaling her chair.


Finally! Vivian often sits and watches TV or just climbs all over the chair in search of new adventure. She also loves her "Baba," that she is holding in the picture. This babydoll was a gift from Mum Mum Short. Vivian loves Baba, and sometimes she will accompany Vivian on the chair and V will rock her to sleep. But on rare occasions when Vivian is in top form, she is not in the mood to share and Baba gets thrown to the floor.